Aug 29, 2007

Emotions !!!

Emotions are the pathway for the demonsration of the hidden feelings of an individual. They resemble the peak of a volcano, which is the source of an outburst of the immense heat that is hidden in the core. It is an exact correspondence.
To explain in a concise manner I can put it in the following way:
Life is very enigmatic! At times we feel ecstatic and joyous but, there are times when we fall prey to melancholy and despondency. The fervent wait for the ray of hope is unending regardless of the hopelessness of the circumstances we are in. We pretend to be wise, but are fools essentially. Who fools us? No one but our very own Emotions.
Their dual nature. They come in couplets. To experience the best you must experience the worst. Love exists because of hate. Happiness owes its survival to gloominess. The relationship is just like that of the GOD and the Devil. Two faces of the same coin. But that is what makes life worth living.
Emotions are an assortment of colours of life. Just like white and black, they encompass the entire spectrum of one’s life. To be contd……….

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