Aug 22, 2009

Trading my Life!

Today morning, I thought of a thought
My life is precious, and also is short
It is unjust to waste it, the way I do
I pondered, shouldn't I really love you?

Clock strikes 11, change in the scene
Am in my cabin, in front of my screen
Bulged out pupils, and a focused mind
Market vector for me, is simple to find

Joys of yesterday, see no sustenance
Hope to find love, has lost its existence
Converted I am, emotionless like a robot
Money is the motive, all that I have got

News come, numbers on screens blink
Ready with moves, need no time to think
Maneuver the mouse, clicks after clicks
I mint big money, in series of swift flicks

Clock strikes 11, I am out of my cabin
Thoughts queue up, brain starts ringin'
Brain cries foul, "Hey! I need some rest!"
Heart overpowers it, takes its tough test

I remember all the good time, spent with you
Today, don't have a moment to spare for you
I realize it now, it would have been better
Had I stayed for long, in your heart's shelter

Life is a race, a terrible race against time
Resting I thought, was the biggest crime
I am a trader, unaware of the cruel end
What I'm trading, is our lives my dear friend!

P.S. : Views expressed above are by no means my personal view points. They are just an imaginary creation!

Jun 28, 2009

By an IITian, for an IITian!

Trust me, it will not take more than 5 minutes. Do give a thought to it. Do think broad!!!

In recent years, IIT-JEE has become kind of a mania. In the past 4 years, number of IIT-JEE aspirants have rose by around 1 lakh. No wonder, numerous IIT coaching institutes mushroomed in these years. But it has to be accepted that every coaching institute cannot be trusted to guide a student to his/her destination. A category of people have made coaching institutes their business that flourishes at the expense of careers of innocent, ignorant kids. It has to be accepted that not only clearing IIT-JEE is a tough task but also training students to prepare for it is equally tough. It requires detailed planning of syllabus, dedicated team of intellectually stimulated faculty and especially, faculty members who have children's success as their prime objective rather than monetary benefits.

Strategy of these classes to attract students

Now, there is this Universal cycle which all of us are aware of, at least theoretically. A person does a particular task well, his credibility increases, he becomes a trusted name in the society, people come to him for getting the same task done again and again and that person becomes a specialist in that particular field.
Same holds true for IIT coaching institutes. Their business/fame/popularity is directly proportional to the number of candidates selected in IIT-JEE from their institutes. As was mentioned before, numerous coaching institutes have sprung up in these years. Now, if they want to make business out of this seemingly attractive situation they need to show results. If I as a businessman make an entry in this business, I would like people to believe in me and my institute. Hence, I need to show results. But I have no great results to show in the beginning. This would make me think of earning the rights to publish the name of students of other coaching classes who have cleared the examination. And this is really easy. Give students a free test series/ study material/ or some kind of discount and what I get in return is the right to publish their name once they clear this famous examination, IIT-JEE.
Once this process starts, it never ceases because promotional offers are a very valuable investment with high yielding returns. They are also an excellent way to hide one's incompetency. In fact it is a very lucrative way to run IIT coaching institutes. In fact, this is how some coaching institutes are running today in Mumbai. They are exploiting ignorance of students and their parents mercilessly. They do not care about the after effects on students following their abysmal performance in IIT-JEE and related exams, when in reality, it is not a student's fault but fault at the end of these heartless coaching institutes.

Kind of faculty
As already seen, many of these coaching institutes score low in professional ethics it is quite justified that they would not invest much in their most valuable and at the same time, expensive resource, their faculty. It is said that older the wine is, better it is. These institutes attract faculty in the form of students from IIT Bombay (irrespective of their year: 1st/2nd/ 3rd/4th/5th). They even use this step of theirs to gain popularity by publicising the number of faculties they have from IITs, hiding their inexperience. These student faculties most of the times are temporary. Also, they frankly do not have any reason to feel strongly for making students (preparing for IIT-JEE) pass the exam. Majority of the faculty from IIT student community go to earn money, they do it and come back without even bothering about the final result of the students. So, in a way there are very few permanent faculty to guide students all the way through and in some classes there are hardly any.

No prizes for guessing, classroom students of these coaching classes generally do not do well at IIT-JEE and other related exams. But these institutes get their share of publicity because of those promotional offers. They again misguide new students and parents and the cycle continues. One day, this process will become like one of the scams at the Wall Street. I hope that day comes pretty soon and save many nascent careers. Let this be the beginning of that day.

Appeal to IITians
My friends, I have realized it with my first hand experiences that we do try our best to teach students but ignorantly we are not helping them much and many to come (future students of these institutes) to sail through because of the fraudulent system explained above. I feel that as IITians we have strong social responsibility. This tag of IITian is trusted by everyone. People have blind faith in us. It is not at all justified on our part to break this faith for a small amount of money which we all know is insignificant in time to come. Trust me, we won't chase money, money will chase us. So, let us not do this felony anymore.

Signing off,

Mar 13, 2009

War of Gods

Special thanks to

Lethal souls
Hungry all night
Ready to devour
Anyone in sight
Blood they crave
Blood they get
No remorse
No regret.

You asleep
In your bed
Unaware of
Death ahead
They will come
Rip you apart
Suck your blood
Relish your heart

Money be the cause
Or religion in a way
Whatever you mortals
Prefer to say
All are His means
All are His ways
You are the pawns
Proudly He says

All are selfish
Gods no exception
Evil is a God
Peace His vision
Unending war of Gods
All aspire to be the King
Soon Evil will win
Sooner another Evil will spring

Times change
Not the demons
Always follow
The Satanic sermons
Evil was there
And Evil shall be
Fuck the peace
No tranquility.

Mar 2, 2009

She, my Friend!

I have a Friend of mine,
She is my sunshine.
Moments I spend with Her,
Are truly divine.

She always wears a smile,
It makes life worthwhile.
She believes trouble is virtual,
Life, to live, is so simple!

Pretension in Her kingdom is impossible,
Confession is an act, truly unavoidable.
In front of Her, I can behave in the stupidest way.
Crazy! Insane! She doesn't care what they say.

Her presence is like of a morning Sun-ray,
Full of hope and love, cheerful and gay.
Absence is like that of a moonless night,
Full of dread and fear, no hope in sight.

Life is splendid, when I have Her, the One,
With whom I can share the joy and have fun.
Lips broaden naturally, eyes moisten innocently,
Never I realize, I am submitted to Her inevitably.

She asserts no star is far away, no dream out of sight
All I need to do is, step in the field and feel the delight.
She puts Her faith in me, "You will succeed", says to me
"Because, you can fail yourself, but never ever me!"

When I am lost, She comforts me deep inside,
She is my Savior; She helps me in every stride.
If not for Her, I would have a lot to suffer
Because of Her, I have whole life to cheer.

The naive smile on Her face is a fuel to my life,
And pure love in Her heart, keeps me from all the strife.
Trust is a vital ingredient, toughest to find.
"I trust Her, always", only clear fact in my mind.

I am cruel at times, harsh in my lines
She never bothers to rebel, for She is too wise.
I am a stupid, I am an idiot, I find faults in Her,
She is a gem, She accepts all without a word.

I am a mortal defined by many imperfections,
She loves them all, beyond any expectations.
Her benevolent act of selfless acceptance,
Is the reason for my unquestioned compliance.

So Obvious I am to Her, She needs none of my words.
"You are just too simple", is only what She utters.
I cry, "God! Please be kind, let me feel the simplicity."
But, I end up thanking Him, for His generosity!

Feb 16, 2009

Homicide or Suicide?

(Man on his deathbed to his wife)
Sing with me O babe, sing with me
I crave for it, like I crave for thee
Your voice that tinkles, sounds heavenly
To hear, I’d love to wait till eternity.
Walk with me O babe, walk with me
As you walked, from the day wed we
These are the last steps I will take
Happy and jolly they be, sure you make.
Smile with me O babe, smile with me
Together let’s fight out this grief and pity
I need none of that when you are near
As no Satan, no pain in this world I fear.
Dance with me O babe, dance with me
Like you danced under our apple tree
Mortals are we and I win the old bet
Now, it is a farewell I deserve to get.
(Woman to herself)
I had twenty-four hours before I’d die
And I desired to never see you cry
I know, more than your life you love me
Poisoned you, for you'd shatter without me
Please forgive me, I love thee!
(Man to himself)
I knew you just had a day more with me
Understood, when you poisoned my tea
I felt sad for you, but happy for me
You were the best I ever had with me!
Please forgive me, I love thee.

P.S: Is it justified in the name of love?

Feb 13, 2009


A speck of dust. Let’s do the christening. Dusty. Yes, that is all for the description. For a moment, let’s be sexist and address Dusty by him.
Dusty always wondered how trees could grow up to hundreds of feet above earth and how life existed thousands of feet below water. He was awestruck by the energy of the Sun and marveled when he felt the serenity of the Moon. He knew about huge galaxies and was aware about the infinitesimal molecules. He was always left dumbfounded to find an annoyingly perfect balance wherever he glanced. For Dusty, this Universe was just perfectly balanced. Dusty knew that he was dimensionally insignificant as far as the Universe was concerned. But, he believed he had a specific purpose out there in that seemingly unending Jungle. He was very curious to know the truth- that eternal truth. It haunted him day and night.
One fine morning, Dusty set out on his path in the search of that eternal truth. That was the beginning of many endings and the ending of many beginnings. As he began, he laughed at the illusion of freedom that existed in the minds of earthly beings. He could see that people on earth were anything but not free. He sensed slavery all around. All were enslaved to one or the other materialistic entity. How stupid! Dusty thought. Well, this was the first time Dusty thought of this thought to be stupid. He sensed the existence of evil everywhere. He smelt evil, saw evil, touched evil, tasted evil and heard evil. He recognized his unforgiving role in this arrangement of soreness. His inclusion in this complex web of selfishness, sin and malevolence thrashed him emotionally beyond any mortal expectations. He sighed. He was for a moment shattered by the sudden realization of him being generously responsible for the grief that prevailed. But, the thrust to find that eternal truth kept Dusty going. Dusty moved on.
A feeling of repentance for his sins kindled in his heart. Slowly, he felt he was getting lifted. There was no physical mechanism he could point at. In fact, it was his undying quest that took him higher and higher. As he was rising, he felt himself breaking the malicious worldly chains he found himself entangled in. He began feeling light and relaxed. He could see his fellow-mates still trapped down. It aroused a feeling of compassion in his mind, contrary to what he would have felt on earth- a sadistic pleasure to see his fellow-mates in difficulties. He appreciated beauty the way he had never done before. He relished the purity of nature. He could see lakes and forests, empires and slums. In his mind there no more existed a distinction between the rich and the poor, the powerful and the weak. He could see all, feel all and love all. He felt things the way they were, the way they were actually planned and not the way he wanted them to be. His thoughts were transcending planes after planes. He realized two things- life is beautiful and you must love all. He felt asleep.
Dusty woke up to see the morning Sun and felt a lot better. He did not care for that eternal truth anymore. He found something far better to lead a truly happy life. He started descending the hill at IIT Bombay that he climbed at 06:30 in the morning. Dusty was no one but me, Vishal.