Feb 16, 2009

Homicide or Suicide?

(Man on his deathbed to his wife)
Sing with me O babe, sing with me
I crave for it, like I crave for thee
Your voice that tinkles, sounds heavenly
To hear, I’d love to wait till eternity.
Walk with me O babe, walk with me
As you walked, from the day wed we
These are the last steps I will take
Happy and jolly they be, sure you make.
Smile with me O babe, smile with me
Together let’s fight out this grief and pity
I need none of that when you are near
As no Satan, no pain in this world I fear.
Dance with me O babe, dance with me
Like you danced under our apple tree
Mortals are we and I win the old bet
Now, it is a farewell I deserve to get.
(Woman to herself)
I had twenty-four hours before I’d die
And I desired to never see you cry
I know, more than your life you love me
Poisoned you, for you'd shatter without me
Please forgive me, I love thee!
(Man to himself)
I knew you just had a day more with me
Understood, when you poisoned my tea
I felt sad for you, but happy for me
You were the best I ever had with me!
Please forgive me, I love thee.

P.S: Is it justified in the name of love?


  1. i cant say whether it is justified in love or not but one thing is for sure....
    Gr8 thoughts n they are beautifully penned down....


  2. Nice one! Did you compose the verses yourself?

  3. as u said...d last 2 paras...amazingly gud..
    beautifully written...& thot!!
