May 23, 2011

Is Illumination an Illusion?

In the darkest of the jungles, I found myself
Caught unaware, like a butcher's turkey.
Scathing darkness, hostile companionship
Everything seemed to play a havoc on me.

Unafraid, I trudged along, with an unflinching belief
Of finding a route, and out of this obnoxious scheming.
Antagonized as I hit dead ends, thought of nothing but
Of starting all over again, not withstanding any suffering.

Contours I trod on, met unfavorable ends incessantly
My immortal faith was being conquered by disillusion.
Futility of the efforts, stood naked and stared in my face
Success I thought, was a figment of my imagination.

Drained I was! Submission to fate - an only option left
When suddenly, shimmer at a distance caught my eye.
Rejuvenated I felt, I pounced enthusiastically towards it.
I shrieked, "Ah! It was an illusion", I saw the light die.


  1. Nice one! took time to actually go through it completely :p
    btw didn't get what u wanted to express by some of the lines

  2. Thank you.
    Firstly, I had an optimistic viewpoint when I wrote it.
    Secondly, I have tried to put few allegories in it.
    Finally, I tried to bring the actions of hero in line with Lord Krishna's saying, "Karma karo, fal ki iccha mat karo". I intended cyclicity with the last paragraph.

  3. Good work. "Submission to fate" - awesome phrase. So true, and so simply yet nicely put. Impressed!
    BTW, last paragraph has hints of "hotel california" :)
