Jun 8, 2011

Love - A Sweet Journey

If in life your paths cross with a belle;
 An embodiment of imaginary ideal lover
If she is irresistible and seductive, and
 At the first sight you have fallen for her

If your vision fails to see anyone, but her
 You sketch her body with your eyes, in air
If thoughts of her, front-run all others and
 Eternal bliss is here to stay you swear

If the phone rings, you wish it to be hers
 Oh God! How elated you are when it's hers!
If you smile, talk and blush when alone
 And think of this state as perfectly normal

If rains have become romantic this season
 Breeze caress your lock of hair with affection
If you start caring for her more than your life
 And her happiness is the only relevant criterion

If her hug relieves you of all trauma, pain
 And her smile brings a smile on your face
If you wish to color her heart and soul as
 She colored yours with every ecstatic shade

If you envision her as your alter ego
 And dream of having children with her
If idea of love-making is dominated by
 Purity of intent and not lustful desire

If none of these phenomena are short-lived
 And all gain strength with each passing day
Then my friend, you must know one thing
  You are in love with your beautiful belle.

If now, tomorrow she comes close to you 
 Holds your hands, looks deep into your eyes
Says you that you are not the one she loves
 You, I know, will be shocked and paralyzed

In that state of shock you will have two options
 Let your girl go or fight for her possession
Choose the tougher one my friend, stick to memories
 As sticking to her is not a sustainable solution.

Love is a journey, make it memorable.